Having a nice barbecue in your backyard with friends and family is a great way to celebrate special occasions such as birthdays. Everybody loves to have a barbecue as preparing your own meal while you talk with your guests is always enjoyable. And of course, who doesn’t like a big, juicy steak together with some corn or mashed potatoes.
If you are having steak though one thing that you should not forget to have is barbecue sauce. Barbecue sauce just makes your steak taste better and gives it a lot more flavor. Just be wary though not to accidentally spill the barbecue sauce you are using on the carpet as it will be a very tough predicament for any homeowner.
Barbecue sauce stains on the carpet is really problematic as it causes an ugly stain and it is also very hard to get rid of. If you are facing this particular problem at home, don’t consider covering the stain with furniture as you can still get it out if you take the right steps. Be sure to follow the guide below to find out how you can eliminate the barbecue sauce stain on your carpet at home.
• Get a paper towel and quickly blot the spilled barbecue sauce on your carpet. This is going to help remove the spilled sauce and also avoid accidentally smearing it on other unaffected parts of your carpet.
• Get a cleaning solution from your closet and then apply some of it onto the stained area. If you don’t have any cleaning solution on hand just make one yourself by combining one teaspoon of clear ammonia with a cup of warm water. This is a really simple yet effective cleaning agent for the stain that you have on your carpet. After you have it ready, apply some onto the barbecue sauce stain and move on to the next step.
• Leave the cleaning solution on the stain for several minutes to allow it to work on dissolving the stain. Next, get a clean white cloth and start to blot the stained portion of the carpet repeatedly. The stain should slowly become lighter as you do this. Continue with this step until all of the stain is completely eliminated.
• Rinse the spot on the carpet where the stain used to be. Use a cup of clean water to do so. Once you have done this, get a clean towel and dry everything completely to finish the job.