Simple Fixes to Improve Your Carpet Cleaning Habit

Homeowners always dread at the though of cleaning their carpets. It is definitely not a pleasant or glamorous task to do but it is one of the dirty jobs that you just have to do. Many people who owns carpets just want to get the job done which is why they rush into cleaning their carpets or they use some methods or approaches that actually makes things worse. If you want to keep your carpet clean and tidy, knowing the right thing to do is of paramount importance.

Some people who have carpets in their homes do not really bother in trying their best to get their carpet cleaned effectively. Not only can carpet cleaning become a lot easier but you can actually improve the overall cleanliness and quality of your carpets if you know the proper steps. For those people who want to improve on their carpet cleaning skills, below are a few simple fixes that you can try to really get the most out of your carpet cleaning.

Fix #1: Cleaning the Carpet Even If It Does Not Look Dirty – Homeowners who have dark colored carpets are particularly guilty of this common problem. The thing with carpets is that even if it does not look dirty it may actually be really filthy. Carpets are thick and the fibers may look clean but if you look underneath it you may be surprised to find out that there is already a build-up of dust and dirt particles that could be slowly damaging your carpet fibers. A good idea is to try and clean the carpet even if you think it is already clean. There is no harm in cleaning an already clean carpet so you should have no hesitation. If you do this then you may be saving your carpet from unwanted damage and deterioration.

Fix #2: Maximizing Your Vacuum Cleaner – Vacuum cleaners are a very common equipment that homeowners use in cleaning their homes. One aspect of the home which can particularly benefit from vacuum cleaners is the carpet. The vacuum cleaner can extract the dust and dirt that can be found in the fibers of your carpet and it will leave it nice and clean. Some people though do not really maximize their vacuum cleaners thus they are missing out on the potential of having to maintain the carpet in their homes easily and effectively. Try to vacuum your carpet three to five times every week so that you will see just how effective it can be in keeping the carpet clean.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Hot Water Extraction in Cleaning the Carpet

There are many different ways of cleaning your carpet and one result of this is that sometimes the homeowner can get confused as to which one to employ. Each particular method has its own pros and cons so what better way to find out if it is right for you than making a good ‘ole pros and cons list.

In this post we will be taking a more extensive look at hot water extraction which is a very common carpet cleaning method being used by homeowners nowadays. This is a method of using hot water to clean up and get rid of dirt and dust which could get into the fibers of your carpet. You just have to apply the said hot water on your carpet fibers and then extract it to complete the procedure.

So now that you know what hot water extraction is, here is some of the best advantages and disadvantages that this particular method brings to the table.


• It is really easy to do even if you are new to carpet cleaning. This is definitely one of the simpler carpet cleaning methods which is why it is a very popular one. If you want to clean your carpet in a no fuss sort of way then by all means use hot water extraction the next time you need your carpet cleaned.
• Another advantage of this cleaning technique is that it is not that costly. You do not have to use very expensive cleaning tools or equipment to perform this step. All you would need to do is get some hot water and then a vacuum cleaner or a wet/dry vac. With these tools you will already have all that you will need to get the job done.


• This particular method does come with its share of disadvantages though. One of them is the long time that it will take to get your carpet completely dry. Using water comes at a cost and that is the time needed to dry the carpet fibers up. If you are in a rush to clean your carpet then this may not be the best option to go with.

Now that you know what are the advantages and disadvantages of hot water extraction then you can make a wise choice on whether this technique is something that would be suited to your needs. Hopefully I have been of some help to you in your quest to find the right carpet cleaning method to use.

Getting Rid of Energy Drink Stains on the Carpet

Whenever you are going to workout at the gym or going on a run, having some energy drink is always a great idea. Energy drinks are always helpful since they provide our bodies with the necessary fluids and nutrients that may get lost in the process of working out. It helps in giving us a boost so that you will not run out of energy in the middle of your exercise.

Energy drinks though can have a downside to them and that is related to home cleaning. This is because sometimes the energy drink that you are drinking can get spilled all over your gorgeous carpet at home without your intention. This is not a scenario that you would want to be in which is why being proactive and learning how to clean up the mess is important.

Are you dealing with energy drink stains on the carpet in your home? If yes, read the guide below so that you will know what approach to take to clean up the mess.

It is always advised that you deal with the spill on your carpet first and foremost to have an easier time overall in cleaning up the mess. To do this, use a white cloth to slowly try and absorb the spilled energy drink using it. Continue to absorb the energy drink spill and squeeze it onto an empty bowl so that the carpet area will become clear of any liquid.

You will need a cleaning solution in order to remove this kind of stain on your carpet. The best way to go about it is using an effective cleaning product that you normally use in cleaning stains on your carpet. If you do not have this, you can opt to try making a homemade cleaning solution which can be easily made by following the countless guides you can find online about it.

With the cleaning solution of your choice on hand, go to where the energy drink stain is found and then apply a generous amount of the former on the affected area. Allowing the cleaning solution to soak the stain will be advantageous to you so just leave it there for 3-5 minutes before going to the succeeding step.

In this next step you are going to need a white cloth or some paper towels. Use either of the two to blot the energy drink stain on your carpet repeatedly in order to slowly remove it. Do this again and again and soon enough the stain on your carpet will be no more.

Red Flags You Should Avoid When Hiring a Rug Cleaner

Rugs can be very beautiful accessories to add to your home but they can be very tough to clean and maintain too. Rugs are not exactly cheap, with some rugs costing up to the thousands, thus you should do everything you can to help keep your rug in pristine condition.

One of the best ways that you can do this is by hiring a rug cleaner to help you out with rug cleaning needs. Rug cleaners make the entire process of cleaning and caring for your rug all the more convenient as they are going to do all of the work for you. Unfortunately, finding the right tile cleaner can be a lot tougher than doing the own cleaning yourself. That is why you should take time to ensure that you hire the best people for the job.

If you are planning to find a rug cleaner for your rug at home, here are some helpful tips on some red flags you should avoid to ensure that you do not hire the wrong people for the task.

• Poor Customer Relations – If you already having difficulty with the service that they provide you when you are just coordinating with them or scheduling your appointment then maybe it is best if you avoid hiring these kinds of cleaners altogether. Poor customer service and customer relations is a sign that they don’t really care much about their customers thus you should move on and find a better cleaner.
• They Are Not Insured – Surely insurance is one of the things that your rug cleaner should have and if the one that you are dealing with doesn’t have any then you should try to find a better option. Insurance is really practical since it will help ensure that they will be able to pay for whatever damage they might accidentally cause your rug so a rug cleaner without any insurance is surely a red flag to avoid.
• Poor and Inferior Equipment – If you are going to allow someone to clean your rugs then you would want those with the best possible cleaning tools and equipment, right? That is why if you ever encounter a rug cleaner with outdated and inferior equipment then you should take your business elsewhere as you would not want to risk poor results from these kinds of cleaners.

Remember the red flags above and you’ll definitely have no problems finding the right rug cleaner for your home.

How to Eliminate Pizza Sauce Stains on the Rug Effectively

Pizza is surely one of the most loved food items all over the world. Anywhere you go you are bound to see a pizza place which serves delicious pizza for the masses to enjoy. There are many different kinds of pizzas and there is surely a variety for everyone to enjoy.
Pizza though can be very messy to eat, especially if you are at home. The pizza can be very hot and there may be times when you picked up a slice without noticing this fact. This will likely cause you to drop the pizza you are holding and it could end up face down on your beautiful rug.
This is not something that you would want to happen as the pizza sauce will get all over your rug fibers and this will cause a very ugly stain that will ruin its appearance. If ever this happens to your rug at home, follow the advice below to quickly restore your rug’s beauty to normal.
Use a dull knife or a spoon to slowly remove the solid pizza particles and then use a clean paper towel to blot the sauce to extract it. Do this immediately so that you can prevent the mess from affecting a wider area of the rug.
After you have removed as much of the pizza as you can from the rug, the next step is to remove the stain which the spill has created on your rug. You can use a combination of one teaspoon dish washing liquid mixed with one cup warm water to create a very potent cleaning solution for the stain.
Take the stain fighting solution and apply it on the pizza sauce stain on your rug. You should let the solution soak the pizza sauce stain for a while first to let the former work on breaking the latter down. After you have done so, use some clean white cloths to repeatedly blot the pizza sauce stain until it is completely removed.
Once you have eliminated the ugly stain on your rug, the final step that you need to take is to ensure that there is no residue that will get left behind on the rug fibers. To do this, get some clean water and the use it to rinse the area you just cleaned. Then, dry the entire area with the help of some clean towels. Once you have done this your rug will surely be clean and back to normal already.

Water Damage Tips: Importance of Hiring the Right Water Restoration Company

Dealing with cleaning problems in the home can be a constant issue that homeowners are dealing with. Keeping the home nice and clean is not a simple task and more often than not homeowners are always concerned about how to get this done right.

There are so many kinds of cleaning troubles that homeowners face but one of the worst situations to be in is to have water damage in your home. Water damage can cause extensive damage to your home’s interior if you do not know how to deal with the problem properly thus it is imperative that you do so at all times.

Luckily for those homeowners who do not want to deal with the water damage restoration on their own they can simply hire someone to do the job. Sadly, there is a downside to this and that is you may not always hire the right people for the job. if you think that this is not that important, check out the post below.

• One of the most important reasons why you should hire the right water restoration company is so that you can get the best results in your efforts to restore your home back to normal. Water damage can be extremely devastating and very difficult to restore and hiring inexperienced people for the job will only make the task more problematic. You should only hire the best people for the job so that you will have no worries that your home will be restored to normal in no time.
• Another reason why you should only hire the right water restoration company for the job is to prevent any unwanted effects in your home after they have done their cleaning. Sometimes the cleaners that you hire will not do an excellent job and oftentimes there are unwanted consequences as a result. An example would be the development of molds and mildew in your carpet and dry wall if the restoration service that you get do not do the right job in restoring the water damage in your home. If you want to prevent any unwanted and potentially harmful effects in your home make sure you hire the right people for the task.
• Hiring a restoration service for water damage in your home is not exactly cheap. It can be really costly thus one reason for you to get the right restoration company is to get it right the first time and to make sure that you are spending money on quality service.

How to Remove Soda Stains on the Carpet

Soda is something that everybody enjoys. It is a very popular drink which just makes your snacks and meals all the more delicious. An ice-cold glass of soda is perfect to enjoy while enjoying a great movie or watching your favorite sports in the living room with friends and family.

This really popular drink is a big hit among kids and adults alike. When you are enjoying your soda though you should be careful not to inadvertently spill it on your beautiful carpet at home as this can lead to a very troublesome mess that you do not want to have.

Cleaning up the soda stains on your carpet is not an easy job but somebody has to do it. If you want some help in making this task more manageable, check out the useful guide below.

• Absorb the spilled soda on your carpet right away using a clean sponge or a white cloth. Extracting the spilled liquid is always important to do immediately to have the best chance of limiting the effect that it will have on your carpet.
• With the carpet already cleared of the excess liquid, the next step is to face the ugly stain that is ruining the appearance of your carpet. To do this you will need a cleaning solution. If you do not have any available in your home you can always make one yourself by combining a teaspoon of white vinegar with a cup of warm water.
• Apply some of the cleaning solution you have on the stained area of your carpet. Leave it there for three minutes to let it work on the soda stain on the carpet. After doing so, move on to the next step.
• Get a clean white cloth or some paper towels and begin to blot the soda stain again and again. You should blot from the outer portion of the soda stain moving inward to get the best results. Repeat this step as often as necessary until you successfully get rid of the soda stain on the carpet.
• Eliminate the residue which could get left behind on your carpet by rinsing the area where you spilled the soda with a cup of water. After doing so just dry off the carpet using a clean rag to complete the process of restoring your carpet’s beauty back to normal.

Cleaning up the soda stains on your carpet may seem tough but with the guide above you will be able to do it without breaking a sweat. Good luck!

Steps in Eliminating Cooking Oil Stains From the Rug

Preventing stains and spills on your rug is something that everybody wants to do yet it can be very difficult to achieve. Stains and spills are just very troublesome and can happen without any warning. It is important to keep your rug clean though which is why you should know what to do to clean up these spills and stains.
An example of a stain which can be very hard to deal with is cooking oil stains. Cooking oil is very important in the kitchen but it does not have any place on your rug fibers. If you accidentally spill cooking oil on the rug it can cause a very big problem but luckily there is something that you can do to solve it.
If you want to know what you need to do to help restore the beauty of your rug to normal, read the guide below to find out the simple steps that you can take to clean up the cooking oil stains on your rug with ease.
• The first step is always to remove the spilled cooking oil on your rug. Try to get some paper towels and absorb the spilled cooking oil as best as you can in order to try to clear up the affected area. Repeat this step until you have removed as much of the cooking oil spill as you can.
• After you have cleared the rug of the spilled cooking oil, preparing a cleaning solution that will work on the stain is the next step Take a teaspoon of non-bleach laundry detergent and then add it to two cups of warm water to make a really good cleaning agent you can use.
• Pour the detergent-based cleaning agent on the stained portion of your rug and then leave it there for a few minutes. The cooking oil stain is tough to clean but with the right cleaning solution you can get rid of it easily. After adding the cleaning solution, use a clean white cloth to slowly blot the stain continuously until it is totally removed.
• Now that the cooking oil stain is completely gone, just rinse the area that you just cleaned with a cup of water to help flush out residue that could stay behind. Then just dry it off and your rug should be back to normal already.

Tips in Cleaning Up Cream Cheese Stains on the Carpet

Cream cheese can make for a great addition to any muffin, bagel, or sliced bread that you are eating. It is really delicious which is why so many people love to eat in the morning, afternoon and even as a midnight snack. Cream cheese can also come in many different flavors which only add to its appeal.

But while the cream cheese can make any bread or pastry that you are eating delicious, accidentally getting some of it smeared on your carpet can be very disastrous. This is because the cream cheese is surely going to leave behind an ugly stain that will be really ruin its beauty and look.

Cleaning up cream cheese stains on your carpet may be tough but it is something that you can do something about. Follow the guide below to find out how you can deal with this mess appropriately.

• Get a clean paper towel and then use it to blot the cream cheese on your carpet fibers. This is important to do immediately so that you can get rid of the loose food particles before it attracts ants or it gets stepped on by other people. Continue to extract the cream cheese until you are able to remove most of it out of your carpet.
• Up next you will need to make a handy cleaning solution that will help you in eliminating the ugly cream cheese stain on your carpet. Add a teaspoon of dish washing liquid to a cup of warm water and you will have for yourself a very useful cleaning solution already.
• Take the cleaning agent that you have made and pour some of it on the cream cheese stain that is found on the fibers of your carpet. Allow it to soak the stain for a couple of minutes before getting a clean white cloth to slowly blot the stain.
• Blotting the stain is going to gradually remove it from your carpet fibers. Do it repeatedly until there is no more stain on the carpet. It may take several attempts before you achieve your results but don’t be affected as eventually your carpet will be back to normal.
• After removing the ugly stain on your carpet, the final step is to eliminate any residue that could get left behind. Using a cup of water, rinse the spot where the stain used to be then dry it off using some clean rags or towels.

Getting Rid of Tomato Paste Stains on the Rug

Keeping your rug clean is surely one of the priorities that you have as a rug owner. Rugs can be very beautiful accessories to have but they can become stained and soiled fairly easily as it is exposed to the daily wear and tear and use in your home.

Tough stains can be the worst thing that you can have on your rug and one such stain can occur if you accidentally get tomato paste spilled on it. Tomato paste comes in really handy inside the kitchen but it surely does not have any place on your rug. If you have unfortunately spilled tomato paste on your rug and you have a really ugly stain to deal with, try the helpful advice below to guide you in cleaning up this mess.

• Try to remove as much of the tomato paste as you can on your rug as fast as possible. Removing the paste using a dull knife or a spoon is probably the best way to go about it. If you can no longer remove the spilled tomato paste using the knife or spoon, get some paper towels and blot the soiled area to remove some more of the spill out of your rug.
• The tomato paste stain that is left behind on your rug can be very difficult to clean which is why you should resort to using an effective cleaning solution for this mess. You can actually prepare one yourself just by combining a teaspoon of clear ammonia with a cup of warm water. The ammonia is perfect in eliminating tough stains and surely it will do great in cleaning up the tomato paste stain on your rug.
• Get a small amount of the ammonia-based cleaning agent that you have made and then pour it on the affected area of your rug. Allow it to stay there for two minutes before you mote on to the next step.
• Using a clean white cloth, blot the tomato paste stain on your rug again and again. This is going to cause the stain to slowly transfer from the surface of your rug onto the cloth. Continue to do this until your carpet is finally clean and stain-free.
• Rinse the spot on your rug that you have just finished cleaning to remove any residue of the stain or cleaning solution which could still remain. Once you have done this, get a clean rag and dry everything off to conclude your task.